Thursday, April 29, 2010

How can I deal with my teenage depression?

I've been suffering from teenage depression for over a year and am struggling to deal with it. I dont feel like i can cope anymore and feel completely alone because my parents think I'm just ';playing up'; for attention. I'm finding it hard to deal with any longer and its beginning to affect every aspect of my life. I cant seem to get over it and shake it off. how can i control it and eventually get over it?How can I deal with my teenage depression?
you do need help: depression for anyonbe, teenager, adult, whoever, is serious, and you do need and deserve help.

Can you talk to anyone you trust? like a teacher or an aunt or anyone similar? they may be able to help you find appropiate help. The best thing really is to see your doctor, but if your under 16 then your parents will need to be notified although you dont need to have them in the room with you. Seeing the doctor will be able to refer you on to more appropiate help, doctors are generalists, they know abit about everything, but not alot about many subjects like depression which is why you do need to be referred for either councelling or therapy.

Anti depressants are generally not recommended for people under 18, but again, thats your doctors and parents decision.

If you are in the UK, you can call childline on 0800 111111 and they will be able to offer help too, its a freephone number and you dont have to be at your wits end to make a call, they are there to listen to you. I dont know if they have something similar in other countries but I would find it hard to believe they dont. Call up, get some help, depression is something they can help you with.How can I deal with my teenage depression?
If you're able to drive, make an appointment with your physician to talk about medication. I went thru 3 different prescriptions before I found one that worked for me. Your doctor will talk to you and determine what's best, and if your parents have health insurance, it shouldn't be expensive at all. You can get some of the medications at Wal-Mart for $4.

EDIT: this may not just ';wear off'; like everyone else is saying. If you are thinking that it's serious enough to ask about, then do something about it! Depression runs in my family, and no matter how happy and busy I am, I still get depressed and it's not my fault. So don't think anything is really wrong with you, you may just have some chemical imbalances in your brain, which is totally ok.
Since you know that it is a teenage depression, then you know too that it will eventually wear off. It is just a matter of adjustment and time. You can coup with it, just be natural and love your parents more. Go out and meet more friends. Just be your natural self....... But ooooops, remember that others have feelings too.......
Food for thought- who are you?

A man's daughter failed college and came home crying to him. The man was a famous chef in town. He told her to be quiet. He got out three pots and filled them with water. He took out an egg, some coffee beans, and some noodles. He put the pans on the boiler and turned it on high. He put the egg in one pan, the coffee beans in one, and some noodles in the other pan. After 20 minutes, he took the 3 pans off the boilers, and brought them over to his daugher. He cracked open the egg, which the inside was once soft and mushy yet now it is hard, tough, and callous. He showed her the noodles that went into the pan, they were hard and tought, yet they now came out...soft and mushy. Now he showed her the coffee beans which had now became coffee in the pan. The coffee beans went into the situation and changed it. Who are you? How do you go into situations? Change your who you have always wanted to be. Forget all the sh*t that is going on. Go relax, meditate...Change yourself for the bettter. BE THE ONE THAT GOES INTO SITUATIONS AND MAKES IT BETTER.
you HAVE to talk with your parents really need help I dont mean to sound nasty but depression is nothing to play with or wont go away on its own if you have been feeling like this for over a year...PLEASE tell someone...or go see a doctor on your nurse,teacher,aunt uncle someone...please...I doubt you can get over it without medical help...your not alone in this...thousands suffer the same ...there is no stigma....your not nuts....please talk to someone....please...
hey i know how you feel because im suffering the same thing. Ive a teenager as well and im always stressed out but what i do to prevent myself from depression is play sports. i did tennis, track, cross country, wrestling. that way i could occupy myself alot and not worry so much. But if you dont like sports, just find the one thing you admire the most and stick with it. that way you become more calm in your aspiration and lessen your depression.
first of all figure out what is depressing you and confront your age you shouldnt be depressed.. do something about it..the best way is to think positive about everything you do,,and i mean i tell will really be surprised how this helps and who knows you may not ever need to see a doctor!! concentrate on it will be a completely different person,, you will be happy!!
i suffer from severe clinical depression, i'm 15 and i feel the same as you. i really feel like i can't cope and threer are no answers and it's so lonely isn't it?
Get an outlet, learn an instrument even if you are rubbish at it it will give you a focus, or take up painting, dont just sit about, the best person to help you, is you!
Oh god. i think we all deal with that in a way. I know what its like, once you move out and go to college it really does get better.

Well. I think Im pretty weird. And when I was about 11 or so, I started to get kind of depressed. I was in this ';phase'; thing for about 3 years, until I got until high school. I started to see things in a different light, but I definitly still feel really low at times. Im 17 now. And ive had those crazy up and down feelings.

I think there is definitly some issues with my emphasis on negativity. I could make a list of the disorders I could frickin have. But to narrow it down, I think I have... lets see. ADD, (the...daydreamer, star struck, cant focus at all, and just naturally high feeling, drifts off all the time kinda person) Depression, BDD, OCD. And... I think thats about it.

Anyways. Lmao. I think everyone has some kind of personality issues. I think my main thing though is to focus on negativity too often. Perhaps you are that way? I hardly ever act as an optimist. I almost feel like its the ';right way'; the ';easy way out'; to just say ';im screwed'; and just sit in the corner and gloat.

You cant just shake off something like this, but you have to work to seriously try to change it. I mean, anaylze what makes you feel this way, and try to make things positive. Depression closely relates to a ';i cant change this, im gonna sit here and gloat'; attitude. Take the first step in positivity and believe that you can somehow change your way of gloating about yourself, and taking the things you think are terrible about you, and your life, and your situations, and deal, and make them more positive.

Thats I guess the only advice i can offer, but if that doesnt really help you out, maybe you need some proffesional help. I wish you good luck :)

Oh yeah, and like other ppl said, DEFINITLY find an outlet. Something to keep you busy and occupied.
You can google some articles of teenage depression and show it to your parents. Gently tell them that you are not faking it. Teenage depression is as real as the flu and diabetes that others are getting.

Some more advice:

Please see your school counsellor or a psychiatrist and get treated.

What is depression?

Depression is more than the blues or the blahs; it is more than the normal, everyday ups and downs. When that ';down'; mood, along with other symptoms, lasts for more than a couple of weeks, the condition may be clinical depression. Clinical depression is a serious health problem that affects the total person. In addition to feelings, it can change behavior, physical health and appearance, academic performance, social activity and the ability to handle everyday decisions and pressures.

Depression may be caused by negative thoughts, poor circumstances, loss of loved ones, genetic factors, biochemical imbalance in the brain, emptiness in heart, unforgiveness, addictions etc. Very often, a combination of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors is involved in the onset of a depressive disorder.

Some of the symptoms of depression are...

路 Sadness and/or loss of pleasure in nearly all activities.

路 Pervasive feelings of hopelessness

路 Changes in appetite

路 Changes in sleep patterns

路 Changes in psychomotor activity (includes both mental and physical responsiveness and/or activity).

路 Struggles with feelings of low self worth

路 Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

路 Difficulty concentrating or making decisions.

There are some natural mood lifting food and vitamins that you can take with your drugs. They are:


-Vitamin B complex pills

- Vitamin C

- GABA (you can get this at a pharmacy) it is a natural neurotransmitter in your brain.

- SAMe

- Calcium

- Magnesium

-Evening Primrose oil

- Flax oil

- Omega 3

- St John's Wort

try to have some exercise daily. Go into the sun. Talk with friends. Pray to Jesus, he gives you peace and lifts your mood. These are scientifically proven to work.

- Listen to soothing music on a couch.

- have aromatherapy

- eat healthily, oats, wheats, brown rice, more fish, chicken, lots of vegetables and fruits and other natural food, less oil, no sugar, no deep fried stuff, less red meat

- drink lots of filtered or bottled water

have a pet

- cultivate new hobbies

- do not take alcohol and avoid caffeine

- tackle your problem that is giving you depression. Problem solve with a counselor or friend to reduce the magnitude of the problem.

If you or a loved one is experiencing the symptoms of depression mentioned above please seek help. Don't wait until your level of functioning is severely impaired. Get depression treatment now! One of the biggest reasons people do not seek help is because of the shame they feel concerning the idea of having a mental illness. The reality is that our minds are vulnerable to illness just like our bodies. There is no shame in developing the flu or some other medical condition, so why is there with the mind?

- Every time you catch yourself thinking negatively, think what is the most positive way of expressing your feelings and thoughts.

- Forgive others, release all bitterness and release all grudges, love God and love others

- Do a kind deed each day. Volunteer your service to the elderly, orphans etc

- I know I have said a lot. Take baby step, one step at a time. Give yourself time to get out of depression.

- go for a tour. It may relax your mind and spirit.

- avoid negative news. You may like to stay off the newspaper.

- Control your thought process. Don't let your thoughts stray. Once you think negatively, catch yourself and replace with a happy thought

- think of the happy times you had with your loved ones in the past.

- count your blessings one by one. You still have possessions and loved ones who care for you.

- Think positively.

You may want to see a psychiatrist and counsellor to work out your problem. Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy may help. Some of the therapy approaches used to treat depression are cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, psychodynamic, and group therapy.

A counselor can help a person gain perspective about their illness, resolve problems that may be contributing to the depression and assist the person in developing coping skills to manage the symptoms of depression.

However, in addition to counseling, medication may also be a treatment option. You can discuss this with your counselor, who can then refer you to a psychiatrist to prescribe and manage the necessary medication. Medication can have a significant effect on lessening the symptoms of depression.

Here are some more advice from a website, written by a doctor:

路 Do not set difficult goals for yourself or take on a great deal of responsibility.

路 Break large tasks into small ones, set some priorities, and do what you can when you can.

路 Do not expect too much from yourself too soon, as this will only increase feelings of failure.

路 Try to be with other people, which is usually better than being alone.

路 Participate in activities that may make you feel better.

路 You might try exercising mildly, going to a movie or a ball game, or participating in religious or social activities.

路 Don't rush or overdo it. Don't get upset if your mood is not greatly improved right away. Feeling better takes time.

路 Do not make major life decisions, such as changing jobs or getting married or divorced without consulting others who know you well. These people often can have a more objective view of your situation. In any case, it is advisable to postpone important decisions until your depression has lifted.

路 Do not expect to ';snap out'; of your depression. People rarely do. Help yourself as much as you can, and do not blame yourself for not being up to par.

路 Remember, do not accept your negative thinking. It is part of the depression and will disappear as your depression responds to treatment.

***** Prayer does help. Claim healing from Jesus. He loves you. Read the Bible, start at book of John. Take note of John 3:16, Acts 2:38. It is God's love message to you. I have wonderful moments of prayer, and God gives me peace and joy. It is not a waste of time to pray and think about God. It is uplifting, and even scientists acknowledge the power of prayer. ***********

Attend a United Pentecostal Church nearby your home. (

There are brothers and sisters who care and be friends with you.

For anxiety, try deep breathing from your diaphragm and progressive muscle relaxation. You can buy books on how to overcome depression and anxiety.

You may like to join a support group on depression. Sharing with others do help to some extent.

It takes time to lift out of anxiety and depression. First thing is that you desire to get out of them. Next is the tenacity and perseverance to make changes to your life.

I've been through depression and anxiety, so I understand.

God bless you richly.

There is so much Christian help for depression as well as for those suffering from other emotional and mental struggles. Even the scientific research is clearly showing that there are many remedies for the treatment of depression: healthy and supportive relationships, exercise, cognitive therapy, as well as medications are all very effective means of treating depression. But, at the same time, most of these solutions require the individual struggling to reach out and ask for help.

There is Christian help for depression and other issues you may be struggling with. So please, if you find yourself feeling alone in your condition please take a step of faith. First pray, admitting your need before God and then ask Him to direct your steps to those who can help. Then, be willing to reach out to a pastor, a counselor or a friend or a Christian psychiatrist today. Your help is as close as your asking.

Sources :
A multidimensional approach to treating depression without medication follows. All except for no. (6.) are safe to use with medication, but not St. John's wort, because of interactions, and it's sensible to check out anything else first with your doctor.

(1.) Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or grapefruit, or their FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it.

(2.) Work up slowly to at least 20 minutes minutes of exercise, daily, or 30 - 60 mns, 5 times weekly. Too much exercise can cause stress, which isn't wanted when dealing with depression. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it.

(3.) Occupational therapy (keeping busy allows little time for unproductive introspection, and keeps mental activity out of less desirable areas of the brain).

(4.) Use daily, one of the relaxation methods in sections 2, 2.c, 2.i, or 11, and/or yoga, Tai Chi, and/or the EFT, in sections 2.q, 2.o, and section 53, at whichever works best for you.

(5.) Initially, at least, some form of counselling, preferably either Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy, or Rational Emotive Behavio(u)ral Therapy.

(6.) As options, if desired, either a known, effective herbal remedy, such as St. John's wort, or supplements, such as SAMe, taken with a vitamin B complex which is certified as being 100% of natural origin, or Inositol (from vitamin and health food stores, some supermarkets, or mail order: view section 55).

Also, 80% of people in the Western world have low magnesium levels, and these are known to cause depression %26amp; anxiety. Try the magnesium supplement types shown in Some of these will be available in pharmacies, or supermarkets.

An improvement can be noticed in as little as a week, if a deficiency is the cause. Also, iodised salt is preferable to regular salt. This is a shortened version of the much more comprehensive post, which may be viewed on page Z.12, in section 2 of ezy build, above, but to gain full appreciation, section 2 really is best if viewed in its entirety.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Teen depression is also addressed.
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