Saturday, January 9, 2010

Does sex ed work or do teenage girls still have no fear of getting pregnant?

Not sure why teenage pregnancies are still so common.Does sex ed work or do teenage girls still have no fear of getting pregnant?
Girls think the unconditional love is good. They are stupid and think having a baby will make their life all better. They don't take in account anything. Not the selfish act of putting financial strain and pressue onto their parents, not the part about trapping the boyfriend and making him feel responsible. They think they can get a job and it will be simple as that. They don't think about the month to month purchases or the stuff to buy before. They don't think about the day care needed for them to go to work. They assume they can move out, and it will be all happy and smiles.

They purposely get pregnant, and learn the wrong way. Does sex ed work or do teenage girls still have no fear of getting pregnant?
For some sex ed does work, or maybe it is just they don't want to have sex. Even if they do use condoms they are not 100% effective.

Nikki: I was pregnant at 17 and I knew all about condoms and birth control, I don't deny it or try to make excuses about it. You can call me irresponsible all you want but deciding to have my child was the best think I ever did. I also read your profile and I must say you have no problem telling your opinion about anything do you. FYI I was not a $lutty kid poppin out babies. I know who my babies daddy is, he is now my husband and is asleep just a few feet away. Oh yeah I was pregnant again at 19, with the same dad, so I guess in your opinion I didn't learn my lesson and I am a $lut.

If you was not referring to all teens you would have said some teens believe this or some teens are looking for excuses. But it doesn't matter and that's ok because I am so happy with my life. I did read it. You gave your opinion and I gave mine, what's wrong with that. I don't have to agree with you on your opinion's and I have the right to state my own. I'm not getting pissy it sounds like you are though.
well i'm thinking sex ed isn't working cuz there teaching Absence only , and i also think yes i'm gonna say it .. TV has alot to do with it , the over usage of sex On tv and the unrealistic teen pg shown on tv and unrealistic sex on tv with no protection ect ,,

I have a daughter and i was SO happy when i found out i was pg but then when she was 2 weeks old , never sleeping crying and i was tired i thought differently , I loved my daughter but a child is stressful and hard ..
Here see these links they answer your question.

The problem with Uk and us sex ed is its crap.

Its like me giving you a 5 minute driving lesson saying thats the turywheel and the go faster and slower pedals, no be good and heres the keys then wondering why you crash.



They start EVERY WEEK from age 5 till 18 (100s of hours) in sex and relationships lessons with all the youthg clubs and media support... You get no Headlines like teacher sacked for telling a kid what a BJ is.

There its on the national curriculum

With realistic and openly explict carttons and other material showing sex not from a biological angle but an emotional one.

With all the dating, kissing and snuggling and foreplay.

No embarrasment, awkardness, fear of asking grown ups or any need to ask playground bs.

by 14 we are talking sex shop field trips to discuss all the products.

Understanding what attracts guys and girls to each other...

You name it its covered and most before any uk kid is and the kids behave and are relaxed lesson seeing an explicti description and video on female masterbation no different to a maths lesson

The statistica in the links below say it all and get the Lets Talk Sex documentry
They will deny having sex ed. Haha, but in reality I think they are looking for a way to justify getting pregnant.

In all honesty, what person who knows about sex, doesn't know about condoms and birth control? They go hand in hand. They know everything, they just don't want to admit it so it doesn't look as bad.

Teens seem to think that 'pulling out' really works. Hah! Goes to show how much they know..they're pregnant! hahahah

finetigersgod, if you were so happy with your life, why are you getting so offended at my opinion? you obviously don't understand what I meant. I hate how people read that and think ';OH! I GOT PREGNANT! She must be making fun of me 0mgz oh no!'; get over it. I'm not referring to every teen who has gotten pregnant. Does it say that? No, it doesn't. READ IT before you get pissy.

Of course i'm getting pissy, you're assuming that I said something I never said. Don't flatter yourself, none of my opinions are directed at you, stop thinking they are. This question was about TEENAGERS. so therefore, I said teenagers. Get over yourself. Telling me about your life and how you have kids isn't an opinion. It's trying to prove me wrong, when in reality, I'm not. This wasn't a bash at any teen mothers, it's just talking about how teens try and justify their pregnancies(which it seems like you're trying to do as well.)
omg i was in this assembly and they had a play of this guy and some other teenagers but they looked older but they were in a play and he had human papilloma virus and omg its was so disgusting the doctor was all like genital warts!! wtf GROSS it was so nasty and uncomfortable for me that the teacher was like are you ok and i was like no and she took me away i was like thank you god becaus im in 11th grade im 16 yrs old and i honestly feel like this is just too much information for me you know?? like i feel like im not ready for this because i dont care and i dont want to know i dont have any interest in having sex so why should i be put through this?? its like i felt like a 10 yr old learning about sex and it just was so bad for me because they dont get that im still a kid i dont need to know about this stuff i felt so grossed out by it and very thankful that she helped me thank you god!!
I think it is because they aren't getting enough love from home. Or they just have issues. And they for some reason they think that having a baby will help fix their life. Whether it be having someone to love you back unconditionally or having to forget your problems and try to raise your child better than you were raised. I honestly think that they just don't totally comprehend the consequences of having a child so young.
Like all things I think that it depends on the person. I was pregnant at 18 but I had several smarter friends who remained virgins the whole way through high school. But look at other things anti-drug programs, anti-smoking ads, those things never work for everyone.
I learned about it all in health class and I'm now terrified of getting HIV and all the other STDs. So I think it worked for me. But even if I never had that I'm smart enough not to just sleep around.
In the US the abstinence based sex ed does not work, In europe the facts + contraception results in less than 1/2 the teen pregnancies.
I think they need to teach better. I have had two friends with babies. But most of my friends get regular check ups and use condoms. So I do think that some of it does sink it.
honestly my sex ed class did nothing except show gross images of STDs and the birth of a baby and how sex ruined people's lives.
if you can't handle a child, don't have sex.
there has always been teen pregnancy so u sound kinda stupid and there always will be

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