Saturday, January 9, 2010

What would you do if your teenage daughter got into your porn collection?

Seriously, I was watching some and there she was!What would you do if your teenage daughter got into your porn collection?
Well that totally would ruin a good batch. You didn't finish...did you?What would you do if your teenage daughter got into your porn collection?

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well, when I was young, I discovered my dad's porn stash and absolutely wore it out. :-)

I wouldn't worry about it too much though, as long as your stuff isn't too fetishist. It's important that kids get a realistic idea about sex, and most porn isn't very real, so you should probably explain a couple of the differences, and that your stuff is private.
depends on what happened... did she freak out? was she confused? was she embarrased? was she into it?

does she understand porn and why you look at it? i guess just talking to her about it would be a good start.
you can install software like NetDog Porn Filter : on your daughter's computer, it blocks all porn quitely and automatically when she's on the internet.
depends on what was happening

give a cheer and shout that's my baby right there and than show the neighbors to show how proud you are of her
She could probably explain a few things to you... Those precociously experienced teens...
Slip her $20.00 and tell her to forget what she saw and to come back in 45 minutes.

If you don't mind her being there then it's okay. But according to the law she deserves punishment.
Tell her mommy doesn't do that anymore she is retired.
Take a cut from her pay
Oh no she di-int! She better NOT be cheatin on me!!
you see .... in cases like this if your erection lasts longer than 4 hours please consult your shrink.
LOL I would ask her for more room and board money since she turned pro
She did not...

i'm whooping her @$$....

she was not suppose to go there with....

why dont you tell me these things i gotta read them in Y!A..

that's fuc*** up!!!

:( im mad lmao

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