Saturday, January 9, 2010

Teenage daughter complaining of sharp stabbing sensation in chest area when breathing?

My family has a history of hear problems, however my daughter has never been found to have anything during noormal yearly physicals. However, she has never had a formal hear evaluation. She is 17 years old.

She has complained for a number of years that about twice weekly she has a stabbing, or sharp pain when breathing in hear or mid chest area. She described this sharp pain as stopping if she holds her break, however when she resumes breathing, it returns. These episodes last for about 2-3 minutes, then disapate.

I don't think it is her heart, but maybe her lungs. Any ideas what this might be?Teenage daughter complaining of sharp stabbing sensation in chest area when breathing?
plurisy- it's her lungs and will occur alot. If it gets real bad when sleeping have her sit up. But It's common and doctors will tell you not to stress prescribe antibiotics and pain reliever.Teenage daughter complaining of sharp stabbing sensation in chest area when breathing?
I have a friend who has a daughter with the same problem. After going through a whole bunch of tests, they figured it was gas. Yes, you read that correctly, the pressure from the gas in the stomach and intestines builds up and starts to hurt the chest. It even causes cramps in the chest area that are so painful you cannot breath. Go to an internal medicine doctor, that may be the problem!
You need to take your daughter to a good doctor and tell the doctor all this information. This could be an indication of anything from heartburn to problems with her heart or lungs. It could be any of a thousand things and you should get this diagnosed!!! What are you waiting for?
I'm 17, guy.. I have the same problem! I always tend to it get, say when i have a hot shower, and if i walk past, the open window ( when its cold ) out side, i would get a stabbing pain in my chest area, and i tend to have short breaths when it occurs, but seems to dissappear within 5minute. good luck to her
let me get this straight:

your family has a history of heart issues

your daughter has had trouble breathing occasionally

and chest pains

and instead of making sure her doctor knows this and checks her out and has a diagnosis and treatment,

you post on an anonymous message board hoping for a diagnosis from unknown people???

Sorry I thought I was still in the jokes and riddle site.bye.
Take her to a doctor, Dont ask people online for advise. Im not trying to be rude or anything, but Isnt that something you should have done?
Stop trying to diagnose her problem and ask those on YA to give you suggestions on what it MIGHT be. Call the cardiologist and get a complete workup. You have heart problems in the family and you are taking a risk with your daughter by not having her examined. Why are you waiting? The doctor can send you to the proper person accordingly. He must examine her and see what is going on. He is the professional. Haven't you ever seen where someone has had a heart attack when they have never had a problem before and it is usually because they haven't been examined by a cardiologist. She needs to write down her symptoms and describe them as best as she is able to. Tell him when they have occured, how long they have lasted, what exactly happens during the episode and how often they happen. Call the doctor's office and tell him exactly what has taken place and when. This is your daughter; nothing could be more important than resolving this ASAP. Good luck.
Growing pains? I used to get these, but from developing.
this could be nothing or her heart, might be simple anxiety to something called GERD or reflux. See her dr. they can do some simple tests, even do a stress test on her... sometimes things dont show up on anual exams, your usually calm during those times so your body isnt all geared up. good luck
Sharp pain? Its probably something like puberty, but you should talk to her doctor. Hope your daugher gets better.
she has indigestion. she should check her diet and stay away from caffiene and sodas... to start. gas bubbles are extremely painful. drinking hot water slowly helps.
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